5 Tips On How To Fall Asleep Fast!

How To Fall Asleep Faster

Life on the road can sometimes mean not being picky when it comes to catching some Z’s. If you’ve only got 10 hours between legs, you might be wondering how to fall asleep fast in order to maximize your recharge.

Drowsy driving is a serious problem with it being a factor in 21% of car accidents in Canada. It decreases reaction times, decision-making skills, and even has detrimental effects on your vision.

For more on drowsy driving, check out our other blog.

Luckily, there are more than a few ways to make falling asleep easier and avoid drowsy driving. Some start when you crawl into bed, and others far before that.


This isn’t the first time we’ve touched on the importance of staying active on the road. Not only is it good for your mental and physical well-being, but it can also help you sleep.

Many studies have shown that an increase in physical activity for a consistent length of time leads to significant improvements in falling and staying asleep.

One word of caution: don’t work out too close to bedtime as that can actually harm your ability to sleep.

Put The Phone Away

There is evidence that using a mobile screen for more than 8 hours a day can negatively affect sleep. Since you’re on the road for most of the day, you probably won’t have to worry about that.

It is also known that using your phone within 30 minutes of going to bed can also be a problem. So, when it comes time to power down, maybe put the phone on the charger and reach for this next item instead.

Read Something

As long as it isn’t too emotionally stimulating, a book before bed can be a useful tool when it comes to how to fall asleep fast.

One note is that some advice on the topic recommends reading somewhere other than your bed, before actually sleeping. However, if you’re exchanging a book for your phone, that’s a win in our book!

Avoid Late Night Lattes

Before we go any further, we’re definitely not telling you to stop drinking coffee. That hot cup of black nectar can often feel like a godsend, any time of the day.

However, if you’re struggling to fall asleep, cutting out caffeine a certain number of hours before bed can make a big difference. Exact numbers part by person, but 8 to 10 hours is usually enough time for caffeine to leave your system.

Going Dark

Ensuring your cab is completely free of light pollution can be easier said than done. Dimming a bedroom is always going to be easier. However, it isn’t impossible.

Grab some blackout curtains and try to make where you sleep as dark as possible. If you can, you can also try to find a charger that doesn’t have any sort of light on it. Flipping your phone upside down can also help avoid a flash of light right before you drift off.